Living Lands

The ‘Living Lands’ formula was launched in Epoch 324 (March 2022). At the time is was a revolution for NFT gaming. It has evolved to be one of the most advanced smart contract based hold-to-earn and play-to-earn solutions available in Web3.

Cardano’s unique EUTxO model and stakepool technology makes it possible to regularly ‘harvest’ tokens produced by Terraform NFTs. These frequent, token heavy transactions are prohibitively costly on other blockchains but on Cardano the experience is seamless and costs just fractions of a dollar. 

Harvesting of tokens can be done every epoch via the Nexus. You can gather up to 40 different Cardania resources based on your terraform attributes – Terraform info (attributes/resources).

For a small amount of ADA, you will receive the following tokens in return:

TokenUnlocked by
RADTerraforms (Power Level) + ADA
EnergyTerraforms (Quantum Flux)
ResourcesTerraforms (other attributes)
Partner tokensADA

Boost your Returns!

$RAD Boost – Add Founder’s Card

Adding a Founder’s Card to your wallet to boost your POWER LEVEL

10% – Red, Blue or Green
15% – Orange or Purple
20% – Black or White
25% – All colors (‘The Gauntlet’)

$RAD Boost – Attack another terraform

You can boost your $RAD income when you successfully attack your neighbors. This usually gives an additional 5-10%, depending on how successful you are at attacking! Check out Epoch Wars to see how to do this…

Harvest Boost – Add citizens

Assign a Citizen NFT to your Terraform to boost RESOURCE production by 25%
Only one Citizen per Terraform. Excludes RAD and energy

Attributes producing qty 5 resources will be boosted to 7.
Attributes producing qty 10 resources will be boosted to 13.

Maximise your $RAD Pickup – by Bagboy

The variables within your control are:
– How much power level do you have?

– How much ADA are you staking?
– Are you playing EpochWars?

The variables out of your control are:
– The SUMN average delegation
– The number of blocks SUMN got for the epoch

Check out the Whale Scale table below to see how much $RAD you can expect from your holdings.
Examples will be based on a SUMN delegation of 5 million ADA / 2000 delegators

Whale ScaleADAPower LevelBlocks$RAD
Broke AF10101338
Broke AF10108996
Terraform hodler1010013,342
Terraform hodler1010089,670
Stake & bake20,000018,000
Stake & bake20,0000864,000
Whale hello there!10,000500120,688
Whale hello there!10,000500880,188
ADA poor, Terra rich!10750125,035
ADA poor, Terra rich!10750872,313

Note! There are ‘modifier’ variables within the formula that are used for balancing… But I won’t complicate things by trying to explain with those. Just be aware the weighting can change from time to time between Terraform power level, ADA staking and the amount of blocks the Summoning Pool conjures.

GAMING was introduced some time after the initial harvesting function. So by playing the EpochWars game you can now pickup a lot of additional $RAD every epoch from gameplay. This is achieved by using your terraforms with other tokens to attack neighbors and benefit from their terraform’s power level, quantum flux and resources.

In summary!
– You get the most benefit from Terraforms
– Terraforms can also be used to earn $RAD in EpochWars
– Returns improve if SUMN produces more blocks
– Returns adjust slightly with the average delegation

Full ‘Living Lands’ formula:

Previous Epoch: 420
Delegation Score [D] = Total Delegation / Total Delegators
Delegation Score Modifier [Dm] = 0.065
Delegation Score Total [Dt] = [D] x [Dm]
Block Score [B] = Total blocks produced in prior epoch
Block Score Modifier [Bm] = 60
Block Score Total [Bt] = [B] x [Bm]
Total Score [T] = [Dt] + [Bt]
Land Constant [LC] = 0.15
Founder's Bonus [FB] = A bonus for Founder's card holding (25%)
Land Modifier [L] = individualized NFT encoded modifier score between 1-9 + FB
Efficiency [E] = RAD produced vs. potential due to lack of harvesting in previous epochs (100% for this epoch)
Delegator's Score [DS] = Delegator's Active Stake Last Epoch / SUMN Total Active Stake Last Epoch
Delegator's RAD [DR] = ( [B] * 2000000 ) * [DS]
RAD Distribution [R] = ( ( [T] x ( [LC] x [L] ) ) + [DR] ) * [E]

RAD from spoils (successful attacks): $$$